It’s dinnertime & the style of music playing should be what? The answer is simple: the volume should be low, the style should be light jazz, standards like the rat pack or soft rock. During this time of the event folks should be able to listen or talk with out feeling the music is out of place or to loud. They should feel at ease & relaxed as this time of the event is for the purpose catching up with old friends & family. Folks should be able to recognize most of what is being played. The music is not the focus! The dinner and the guests are on stage now. A good dj will know when to pick up the pace.

One last piece of advice: If you are putting on the event & looking at dinner music to ad requests to, remember folks will not remember the music from dinner unless it is offensive or too loud. Have fun picking out your music but don’t get to stressed out about dinnertime. The only thing any solid dj needs to know is what style you would like played.