You paid for a club lighting package & it looks great or dose it? Lights are to make an event pop & excite the crowd. They are to add to the experience not take away from. If you are doing an upscale event remember less is more. Folks are dressed to the nines & they want to be seen. A few lights placed correctly will do the trick. Maybe up lighting is the answer? Up lighting out lines the room & colors you use should be part of your theme. Other ideas would be a traditional mirror ball or two. Maybe mood lighting is the way to go and or a combination of ideas. What ever the idea is, make the lighting work for you. Don’t let your entertainment push you in to something you don’t want or need. If you are working with a event planner that is setting your event in place ask them what kind of lighting would be fun to add. The event you are putting together will have a theme & the theme will dictate what the event space will look like. Always ask yourself what should your event outcome be. Just food for thought when picking out lighting ideas.